Support Our Work

We Are a 100% Volunteer Run Community

WCCM is a remarkable community. The cost of its many services is far outstripped by the bountiful benefits it makes possible, thanks to the Spirit and the hard work of our all volunteer organization. We keep expenses to a minimum, and do not maintain a brick and mortar presence. As meditators, we know the reality of the great gift we have been given and many group members seek to give back both as volunteers and by giving what they can toward furthering the Mission of our Community.

Details about donating online: When you click on our Donate button, you may choose the option to pay either by your credit or debit card, or by PayPal.  The form that opens offers you three options: WCCM-USA, Bonnevaux, and Annual Appeal. Annual Appeal is the same as donating to WCCM-USA; all such donations are presently applied to the 2025 tax year. 

Ways to Donate

Support for WCCM-USA can take many forms. We are grateful for your time, your expertise, your commitment and your monetary gifts. The following are ways you can donate:

Details about donating online: When you click on our Donate button, you may choose the option to pay either by your credit or debit card, or by PayPal.   

Please note:
the only way a US citizen can receive a tax credit for a donation to WCCM International or to Bonnevaux is through the US website.

Donate by Check:
Send to: WCCM-USA Ltd. Corp.
217 South Laurel Circle Dr.
Black Mountain, NC 28711

Donations in Memory or in Honor of an individual: 
Please send an email, separately from the method of your donation, but referencing it, to Sharon Nicks.  Thank you so much!

WCCM-USA, Ltd. is a 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization. All donations are tax deductible as allowed by law.

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